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台灣龍神股份有限公司係由美國龍神國際股份有限公司 (Neptune International Corporation)於1976年技術授予由美國外商投資所組成。由於上述龍神國際公司附屬機構之一『海王星徽叢公司』(Neptune Microfloc Incorporated)在美國及世界各地從事於水及廢水處理設備之設計、製造及裝置,並持有若干水處理新進技術專利權,爰以海王星徽叢公司之有關技術及特權在我國予以使用及開發,以求提高各種水處理之技術水準,降低成本及防杜國內污染情形,服務社會人群。


Taiwan Lonesun Limited was established by Neptune International Corporation . The affiliated Neptune Microfloc Incorporated had been dedicated to the development and design of waste-water treatment in States and worldwide and owned a nuber of technological patents and licenses. Taiwan Lonesun Limited had had the support from it to implement those merit techniques, in order to enhance the level of waste-water treatment and reduce the contamination in Taiwan.




With the advancing development of technology the industries have been making the mother-nature suffer for decades. Meanwhile, people have had stronger believe in environmental protection and green development which appears to put the economic growth in opposite to sustainability. Yet looking back to the history of economy the price we have paid for growing index is the sacrifice of the eco-system that is not affordable for us to lavish on. The present dilemma is not the reason to curb our ambition and imagination nor the future we can only accept. Every end of a journey is just a commencement for the following one. The economic activities are defined by human-being that the old-fashion model can also be defied by our transferred attitude which is to integrate the environmental protection with economic growth. For Taiwan Lonesun it is a critical moment to choose to be avant-garde and leave the flourishing legacy for our children's sake.




It is imperative that the green economy has been  dominate the new following conversions over the world's economic model. Taiwan Lonesun has been through the journey for 40 years, and the experience we acquired has been the base and cornerstone upon the challenges. At the same time, Taiwan Lonesun is enthusiastic in sustaining  and collaborating with all related industries in need to be competent.



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